Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cheese in a sandwhich--what a happy thought

I had to post this just for the title (again, let me know if you catch the allusion).

A few nights ago when I was making my lunch for the next day, I suddenly and without explanation didn't just want lettuce and pepper turkey on my sandwich. I'd pretty much eat the same thing for lunch every school day--pepper turkey or pastrami sandwich, string cheese, carrots, and an apple. And yes, it sometimes get old. So what else could I put on the sandwich?

I immediately thought of cheese and immediately remembered that I don't like cheese on my sandwiches. Too bad, I thought. If I don't like it I don't every make it again, but it sounds good right now. And it was. So now I put cheese on my sandwich everyday. What a happy thought.


Fromagette said...

It doesn't have anything to do with the shelves in my closet, does it? :)

Elizabeth said...

maybe . . .

Bethany said...

Is that Wallace?

Elizabeth said...

No, it's not Wallace, though I can see the connection. If it helps, the original quote is "Shelves in the closet--what a happy thought."