Sunday, July 26, 2009

I love the beach!

About a week ago, I went to the coast for a mid-single activity. I always enjoy going to the beach and it was nice to go with a group of people rather than by myself. I don't have a lot to say about the activity except that it was fun, but I do have some pictures to share. I always take pictures and keep track of which beaches I've been too. This trip was to Hug Point, one I have been to before. What made this trip unique, besides the fact that I was with a group, was the tide. It was low enough that I was able to walk to the next beach south, Arch Cape--my favorite beach. I've never seen it that low at those beaches. I walked the entire length of both beaches.

Aside from being able to walk a long way, there were a few rather unimpressive tide pools, but fun to see anyway. The best anemones were actually at the base of a rock. They were the most colorful and open.
There were a lot of mussels, too.

One of the things I like best about these beaches is the mist or fog that sometimes hangs around. After walking the length of the beach, my hair was damp.


Tiffany W. said...

Gorgeous photos! I miss Oregon beaches!