The last couple of summers I've tried to do something to improve my food storage. Two summers ago, I stocked up on dry goods such as wheat, beans, rice, etc. This summer, I've worked on improving my
canning skills. I've felt very blessed since much of what I canned was free aside from labor and supplies. The family I gardened with provided apples, pears, tomatoes and beans. My sister and I bought and canned peaches. I borrowed a water bath canner from someone in my school district and the strainer came from freecycle (a total score!). The end of the story is I have over 150 pints of these fruits and vegetables ready for winter consumption. My pantry looks comfortably full. I'm very grateful to all the people who helped me accomplish this: (especially my mother who was always willing to answer my questions)
That is something to be proud of. Good for you!
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