Sunday, December 14, 2008

Let it Snow?!

I've been looking forward to Sunday all week. I love going to church and associating with the saints. At the very least it gives me something to do, and at it's best, my knowledge and testimony of the gospel increases.

Right as I was about to leave, I happened to check my email, which I rarely do on Sunday morning, and there was a message saying that church was canceled! Why? Well the picture and video should say it all.

I was really hoping to be able to stay home from school on Monday. Too bad the snow couldn't have waited. I'd much rather go to church than to school. Oh well, there's still hope I guess. Maybe there will be too much ice on the road to make it to school safely in the morning. The snow is beautiful. It's coming down if pretty big flakes right now.


Bethany said...

I kind of have to chuckle. Church got canceled for THAT?!?!?! I know that snow in Oregon is a big deal ... I just now know what REAL snow is. :)

Elizabeth said...

I know. After having lived in Utah for more than ten years, it really seems strange. But then the cities don't have plows etc. at the ready like they do in Utah and Wisconsin. At least I didn't have to go to school today because of all the ice on the roads, though FHE was ALSO canceled. :( Why can't the roads surrounding the school be the only ones with ice?