Thursday, December 18, 2008

Joy of Grading

I freely admit that grading is not my favorite thing to do. I'm always doing things to make it either more interesting or at lest seem like it's not taking too long. Today my strategy was "look for good quotes to put on my blog." I was part way through the first class of essays when I couldn't help but almost die laughing. Students say the most interesting things sometimes. After that essay, I kept an eye out for more quotes.

As a point of reference, the students are persuading someone to watch less T.V. The students, of course, are not named, and the spelling is their own.

Student A: The only person that comes to my mind that watches six hours of T.V. is my friend but than it is not his fault it is the movie's fault the godfather siereis is abou 6-7 hours long. I think if you watch six hours of t.v. you have no lif. Yet that is only my opinion (Pleas don't get mad).

Student B: Their is alot more in Life than T.v Like Camping, exploring, reading But most of all, Family. Sometimes you get so into T.v That you Forget about your Family and other important things.

Student C: My first opinion is to convince them to watch less TV. TV can roten your eyes if you watch it to much.

And my favorite:

Student D: If you love tv so much why don't you just go out side and act like your in a movie. Act out of pretend your a spy of something like that have a picnic out side and watch the cloud's. Look at the beutifule nature that was atended for us in the First it's not like god made a tv and said watch this six houers a day and become fat and stupid like a couch potato now did he.

So there you have it--some gentle reminders about why we shouldn't watch too much T.V. Now I just need to help them re-read what they've written so they can catch some of those mistakes.


Bethany said...

Ha ha ha ha ha!!!! I got a good kick out of this one. I love English and I sure miss teaching it (and grading the funny papers).